Leadership coaching helps clients quantify and simplify their goals, expand their comfort zones, remove barriers that hold them back and achieve higher, measurable results in business and personal life. Effective coaching requires complete honesty and a commitment to the relationship.
This commitment and collaboration improves clients’ effectiveness and enables them to gain new insights, both personally and professionally. They are inspired to go beyond where they normally stop, to achieve exceptional performance, enhanced productivity and a truly balanced life. The coaching process involves identifying and examining core values, expanding the comfort zone and creating a “road map” for achieving and maintaining success.
I ask questions that challenge the norm. Together, we review issues with a new perspective, and I encourage them to lead from core values and personal strengths. We expand the clients’ best efforts and explore new territories. Coaching works best for people who are optimistic, can embrace change and have a strong support network. The commitments and hard work are offset by the dramatic improvements clients will see in identifying and achieving specific goals.
Is now the right time to pursue a coaching relationship? Oxford offers a complimentary sample session to see how it works and to explore what is possible.